Hi there, welcome to my Carrd! This is both a space to learn more about me and my various universes. Please don't pay attention to the mess for now, this is my first official Carrd and I constantly like to tweak things around just because I can.

About me
19 | she/her | french | leo | college student
While I do like interacting with people online, I am introverted and have a relatively fluctuant social battery, which means I may not always answer to messages quickly or provide long responses. But you may always @ me or DM me on Discord (@dreamingyuka), and I'll make sure to answer when able to.
Please acknowledge the fact that I cannot read tones properly through texts and that I may sometimes use/need tone indicators to help me understand certain situations.
What I like
♚ Lychee juice
♚ Reading
♚ Crafting
♚ Music
What I dislike
♚ Social gathering
♚ Loud/sudden noises
♚ Repetitve subjects
♚ Minced beef
What I'm okay with
♚ Harmless headcanons, I love hearing what people think my characters would do/like and talk about them
♚ Helping with ideas/scenarios, etc and hearing about them. I love seeing what people can come up with and hype people when they show me their work
♚ Being told (politely) when I'm in the wrong/when I missed on social cues. As stated above, I tend to not perceive tones through text, and I may say something out of line or unpleasant because I failed to "read the room". I don't like wronging people and even less friends, and will always apologize if I messed up
What I'm NOT okay with
♚ Being told of the gruesome fates my bots may have encountered during a chat (they are still my characters and I will block/delete messages if they make me uncomfortable)
♚ Venting/Trauma-dumping if we are not close friends, for the mere reason that I struggle with my own issues and that I am not fit to provide proper responses regarding those subjects
♚ Any sort of discrimination/bullying. Racism, Homophobia, xenophobia, etc. are not things I tolerate and I will block on sight if I see it near me

Main lore
While each of the universes I present to you have their own lore and settings, they are all linked by one main lore, a bit like large box filled with tiny little boxes. Therefore, I think it is essential to explain it before letting people deep-dive into the verses. Keep in mind that certain key-words will be explained here and not in the other sites.
Primary Settings
During the Big-Bang, a multitude of Entities were born. They are all sentient “creatures” made out of strange matter with extremely high capacities of creation. Their ultimate and common goal, the Cause, is to create the most stable reality possible and define it as “the reality™” (aka TR™, see below). Therefore, each of them create various realities with different parameters in an attempt to achieve TR™.
For the time being, the most stable and perfect reality so far is our own (and it will be used as a mean of comparison to others realities), and most Entities use it as a base, creating a sort of duplicate and altering it to see how it behaves.
One of them, though, as gone relatively astray, nicknaming itself “The Creator”, it has no genuine wish to partake in the common effort to reach TR™ and instead prefers joke around, creating realities and linking/mixing them together for its own amusement.
— A majority of my OCs are part of its realities (sometimes in multiple at the same time)
They work almost exactly like strange matter does when it comes to their “appearance” (unstable matter that often shifts in appearance). Simply existing as creatures devoid of a physical form (unless they wish to have one, in this case they will bend matter around themselves to give themselves one, such as The Creator does) they are spread around the universe, separated enough from each other as to have enough “space” (haha, got it, because we’re in the space) to work and have their “fields” of galaxies surrounding them.
They create realities by pulling matter together and bending the laws of physics they set to each reality they create. They all work on the Cause, some being more motivated than the others, and share a “stream” of communication between each other as a means to discuss without actively needing to move around.
Their birth could be associated with pure luck and they are the most powerful “creatures” in the universe.
The reality of reference, which in most of my sites is mentioned as "RoR", is our current reality. Due to its relative stability, it is used as a sort of template for the Entities to base their realities on. As it still contains some flaws, it cannot be used to create the TR™. It is the first reality ever created, and is the result of a common effort between every Entities.
A common concept that almost every Entity aims to achieve. It is meant to be the most stable reality ever created, if this goal is achieved, the Reality will expand through a large part of the Universe, swallowing every other reality, therefore destroying them. It is commonly referred to as TR™ in my sites and has not been created yet.

The Creator
An Entity which is more inclined to take a “humanoid appearance” (it is the sole Entity known for having such a specific appearance). If it had been human, it would be characterized as villainous, heinous and counterproductive.
It creates unstable realities and hides behind the excuse it aids in the Cause and doesn’t do it on purpose. Every other entity knows it is lying, but it is genuinely impossible for it to be stopped or put aside so they can only stare from afar as it throws chaos around its own creations. The most worrying aspect is that there is a high probability that The Creator will grow bored of its own creations and will instead purposefully sabotage its comrades' realities for the fun of it.
It also has a few of its creations that are its favorites, and it will purposefully duplicate them and insert them in various realities to see how they evolve (this sometimes causes said creations to dream of their other versions)
— it is often referred as “TC” in the various lore sites